Smart Nature Freak Youth Volunteers Foundation. For many years of engaging in clean-up programs at water bodies nationwide. Clean Seas and Beaches. Coastal – clean beaches and Urban – Clean Rivers, lagoons, lakes and waterfalls that educate communities, schools, youth and more on important of our waters. A vision for sustainability progress, Development and creating of jobs in communities. Our seas are under immense pressure and danger; too many marine wildlife is being in danger, too much rubbish, plastics, litters are being thrown in and too little is being done to protect our precious marine wildlife, ecosystems and water bodies. It all about Edutainment movement.

Education + Entertainment = Edutainment. Yes! We are Edutainers.

SNFYVF, Accra – Ghana. For promoting Ocean, waters Preservation (Clean Coastal, beaches and Urban water bodies), Ecosystems, Environmental Protection (Good Sanitations, Toxic Free, Plastic Free and Litter Free Zone) and Wildlife Conservation.

Smart Nature Freak Youth Volunteers Foundation’s vision is for seas rich in wildlife, pollution free beaches and bathing waters – seas that are fit for wildlife to thrive in and for people to enjoy and seas that will support future generations with abundant resources. Clean beaches and all water bodies for the enjoyment of all.

What we do.

Clean Ocean, Beaches, Rural Water bodies, Sanitation and Environmental Education and Awareness creation.

Our Vision

Seas fit for life – clean seas and coasts that support abundant marine life, healthy fish stocks and enjoyment for all.

Our Mission

To achieve measurable improvements in the state of our seas, waters, beaches, marine biodiversity and fish stocks through changes in government policy, industry practice and individual behaviour.

Our Values

(a) Volunteering – in the sense of acting out of self-initiative, without seeking material reward and for the benefit of civil society, as a method and a statement for social change, whilst never competing with paid labour nor seeking to contribute to strike-breaking.

(b) Respect for the Environment, Ocean, waters and the ecosystem of which we are a part and upon which we are dependent.

(c) Inclusion – to be open and inclusive to all individuals who share the aims and objectives of the movement, without regard to gender, race, colour, religion, nationality, social status or political views and any other possible grounds for discrimination.

(d) Empowerment – empowering communities, adult and young, youth people to understand and act to transform the social, cultural and economic structures that affect their lives at all levels.

(e) Co-operation – with local communities as well as other local, national and international actors to strengthen the positive potential within civil society as a whole.


We believe that the key drivers for change are to inform and involve people, communities and stakeholders in our work and influence decision makers and businesses through public engagement and collaboration, as well as through direct advocacy and campaigns.You can read about how successful we have been in achieving our goals in our most recent AnnualReport and Review.



From our visit at Tema -Accra sea port

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Event at the highest waterfalls of West Africa

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